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Melasoft SAF-T Package: A User-Friendly Compliance Solution

Updated: Feb 3

Today I want to share with you our SAF-T package , features of it and how is it possible to increase user friendliness in SAP standart screen. First of all I need to tell you that I am not the architect of this package. A lot of people joined to build this package , but the main architect is Alparslan Bahçeci. He is senior ABAP developer in our company. But although I am not the main architect of this exquisite building, I could not wait to mention it in my blog. I will try to explain main features and screen of this building to inspire me and the ones who loves ABAP and SAP. I am using Architecture , Building etc. to explain the SAF-T package , because I really love to inspect and create something in software environment and to my logic it has no difference to build something in real world. By coding and creating a algrithmic logic , actually you build something. After this brief introduction part , let's start from understanding what is SAF-T. "SAF-T (Standard Audit File - Taxation) is an electronic exchange XML standard to report business transactional data between companies and external parties such as tax administrations, auditing systems and others.

The standard describes an electronic file format, which defines accounting data to be reported, and its data structure, so that it may be submitted to the tax authorities or external parties for review." this explanation is from SAP website.

( Chat GPT is explaining SAF-T like that ; SAF-T (Standard Audit File for Tax) is an international standard developed by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). It is a structured file format used to exchange accounting data between businesses and tax authorities in a standardized and digital manner. Many countries, including Portugal, Romania, Poland, Norway, and Lithuania, have adopted SAF-T as a mandatory reporting standard.

As you can see , it is kind of a detailed Report which some Goverments wants from Taxpayers to give. It incorporates lots of information. If we talk about Romania for example you need to give an xml which incorporates 19 reports in it.

If you could inspect a little you will see 19 reports about different process. Now my purpose is not trying to explain SAF-T. Just give you a glimpse of information about it to make you understand our package. Let's start to inspect the building I loved , see if you will love it.

In our SAP Menu , you are able to see different customizations and programs about the package. We are using customizations to make our package more flexible. Instead of Hard coding using customizations is more OOP. I will not explain all customizations here , but to clear you up , one example is enough I think.

In this customization table you are able to make mapping for SAF-T Tax codes and your tax codes in SAP. Like this you are able to mapp lots of things in customization tables. We have error logs report to show the customer the issues of the SAF-T report after check the report with Validator.

Let's start to explain our cockpit.

By entering company code , fiscal year and the period in which you want to create SAF-T report.

This is our cockpit.
This is our cockpit.

You will face with this screen. In left of the page you will see a Tree ALV. You will be able to see Reports which has been created before and also create a new one in there.

Right click to Period Folder.
Right click to Period Folder.

When you right click to Period Folder , you will see that there are to choices that you can pick. One of them is for creating the Report the other one is for Deleting it. Let's create a new report together for JULY it means 7 as period.

You need to enter Report name,

After you entered the name of Report that you want to create you can click okey.

As you can see our report is created in the Left side of the cockpit. Now to go step futrher you should double click on the Report Name.

After You double clicked on the Report Name , as you can see new line occured on the first page. In this page you are able to see some details about the Report that you are about to create.

Scroll the bottom bar to the right.
Scroll the bottom bar to the right.

When you scroll the bottom bar to right side , you will be able to see Select button there.

When you click that button , a pop-up screen will appear. Default dates are seen there for creating the report. We are trying to create a report for July, so you will see start and end date of that month and of course the Fiscal year. If there are lot's of data you can click Run BackGround check box. When you click execute button. The probram starts and according to the mapping that you created new report comes to the screen.

Befrore continue I need to show you , how you can create mapping. We have a framework program. You are able to create your own mapping , simply you can tell the program which tables or functions it will use to create report.

Enter mappnig ID.
Enter mappnig ID.

The main body is occured in the left side of the cockpit.

I will not go deeper to explain Framework Program , it is necessary to write another blog for that. But simply to make you understand how you are able to decide mapping. This screen is very important. On the Left side of the screen you are able to see fields of SAF-T report. On the Right side you can decide the Table and Fields from which your program will get data to fill your structure , which will be used to create XML. After this brief explanation about Framework let's go back to our main topic. We created our SAF-T reports. But How are you able to see details about the Report ? , How is it possible to see XML and Send it to Goverment ? etc. are still waits for an answer.

Double click to Document UUID.
Double click to Document UUID.

You will see another screen in which you are able to see details of the Report without trying to inspect XML. Because as you can predict Business user most of the time does not understand XML , actually they do not need to , so to make them inspect the data, it is very important to create user friendly screen for displaying data in it.

After displaying the document you can sent it to Goverment portal using FTP. Or simply download it to Desktop and upload to Goverment portal manuelly. Or simply send to SAP folder . And if you have direct connection to Web Service you can send the Report to the Web Service.

Let's click XML to Desktop.

As you can see XML file is downloaded to Desktop and a new line is created on the right side of the cockpit. On there you will be able to see XML by clicking XML logo. Or some details about XML folder , name document UUID etc.

Last thing that I want to say is Logs and Status of the report.

As you can see all the steps are logged and when you click to Document UUID button you will be able to see logs on the bottom of the cockpit. And also status of the document tells you very important info about document.

This is all that I want to share with you about the SAF-T Package. I did not share about the codes because as I said I am not the Architecture of this package. My purpose is to show you How is it possible to create user friendly cockpits in SAP. Thanks

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