IDoc (Intermediate Document) can be used for data exchange between two different ERP systems in SAP. IDoc provides a standard data format between SAP systems or between an SAP system and an external system. This facilitates processes such as transferring a sales order from one system to another. Below is a general guide on how to send a sales order from System X to System Y:
IDoc Configuration
The IDoc infrastructure must be configured in both systems. This configuration includes defining the IDoc type, setting up communication ports, creating partner profiles, and determining segment structures.
a. Defining the IDoc Type:
• Determine which process the IDoc will be used for (e.g., ORDERS IDoc type for a sales order).
b. Configuring System Connections:
• ALE (Application Link Enabling) Configuration: Complete the ALE configuration steps through SPRO. Follow the path SPRO -> SAP NetWeaver -> Application Server -> IDoc Interface/Application Link Enabling (ALE).
• Port Configuration: Create the communication port (transaction code WE21). This facilitates communication between the systems.
• Partner Profile Configuration: Create the partner profile (transaction code WE20) to specify the communication details between the sender and receiver systems.
Creating and Sending the Sales Order
a. Creating the Sales Order:
• In System X, create a normal sales order (transaction code VA01).
b. Creating and Sending the IDoc:
• Create an IDoc to send the sales order to System Y. This is usually set as a background process, but manual triggering can be done using transactions such as BD10 (material master), BD12 (debtor master). Sales orders can also be triggered from within VA02 or VA03 through a specific output configuration.
IDoc Receipt and Processing
In System Y:
• To receive the sent IDoc, System Y must be configured via the specified port.
• The received IDoc is automatically processed in the system or queued for manual processing. The process can be monitored using transaction codes WE02 or WE05.
Debugging and Monitoring
• Debugging: If the IDoc fails, debugging can be performed using transaction codes WE02, WE05, BD87. Additionally, system logs and IDoc status messages should be examined.
• Monitoring: Monitor the IDoc processing status using transaction code BD87. This allows you to view the status of sent or received IDocs and any errors that may occur.
Mert Bengü
SAP SD Consultant at Melasoft GmbH