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Top 40 Common SAP SD Errors and Quick Resolutions with T-Codes

1. Error: Pricing Procedure is Missing

Description: The pricing procedure is not determined for the sales order.

• T-Code: V/08 (Pricing Procedure)

• Pathway to Resolve: Check the pricing procedure determination in SPRO: ▪ SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Basic

Functions > Pricing > Pricing Control > Define Pricing Procedures

Ensure the combination of Sales Area, Document Pricing Procedure, and Customer Pricing Procedure is correctly assigned.

2. Error: Partner Function is Missing

Description: The required partner function is not assigned in the sales document.

• T-Code: VOPA (Partner Determination)

• Pathway to Resolve: Maintain partner determination procedure: SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions >

Partner Determination > Partner Determination for Customer Master

• Assign the correct partner roles in the customer master record using XD02.

3. Error: Delivery Block

Description: Sales order cannot proceed due to a delivery block.

• T-Code: VA02 (Change Sales Order)

• Pathway to Resolve: Remove the delivery block: Open the sales order in VA02.

• Navigate to the "Header" or "Item" tab.

• Remove the delivery block under the "Sales" or "Shipping" data.

4. Error: Schedule Line Category Missing

Description: The system cannot determine a schedule line category for the material.

• T-Code: VOV6 (Schedule Line Categories)

• Pathway to Resolve: Maintain the schedule line category determination:

• SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Sales > Sales Documents > Schedule Lines > Define Schedule Line Categories Check

and update the assignment of Item Category + MRP Type combination.

5. Error: Credit Check Block

Description: Sales order blocked due to a credit check failure.

• T-Code: FD32 (Credit Management)

• Pathway to Resolve:

Release the sales order: T-Code: VKM3 (Blocked SD Documents)

Modify credit limits for the customer in FD32.

6. Error: Material not listed

Description: Material is not listed or excluded for the customer.

• T-Code: VB01 (Material Listing/Exclusion)

• Pathway to Resolve: Maintain material listing/exclusion: SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Master Data > Material

Listing/Exclusion > Maintain Listing/Exclusion

7. Error: Account Determination Issue

Description: The system cannot determine the G/L account during billing.

• T-Code: OBYC (Account Assignment)

Pathway to Resolve: Check and maintain account determination settings:

SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions > Account Assignment/Costing > Revenue Account Determination

8. Error: Delivery Quantity Exceeds Stock

Description: Delivery cannot proceed due to insufficient stock.

• T-Code: VL01N (Create Delivery)

Pathway to Resolve: Verify the stock using MMBE.

Adjust the stock using MB1C or update the delivery quantity in VL01N.

9. Error: Delivery Date is in the Past

Description: The requested delivery date is earlier than the current date.

• T-Code: VA01 (Create Sales Order)

Pathway to Resolve: Adjust the requested delivery date in the sales order under the "Schedule Lines" tab.

10. Error: Tax Determination Issue

Description: The system cannot determine the tax code or rate.

• T-Code: OVK1 (Define Tax Determination Rules)

• Pathway to Resolve: Check and maintain tax conditions in: SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions > Taxes >

Define Tax Determination Rules

11. Error: Sales Document is Incomplete

Description: Sales document is flagged as incomplete due to missing data.

• T-Code: VUA2 (Incompletion Log)

• Pathway to Resolve:

Use the incompletion log to identify and fill in missing fields.

12. Error: Plant Not Assigned to Sales Organization

Description: The system cannot determine a plant for the sales order item.

• T-Code: OVX6 (Assign Plant to Sales Org)

• Pathway to Resolve: Assign the plant in: SPRO > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Sales and Distribution > Assign

Plant to Sales Organization and Distribution Channel

13. Error: Pricing Condition Missing

Description: A required pricing condition is not found in the pricing procedure.

• T-Code: VK11 (Create Condition Record)

Pathway to Resolve: Maintain the missing condition record in VK11 or VK12.

14. Error: Item Category Missing

Description: The system cannot determine the item category for the sales order item.

• T-Code: VOV4 (Item Category Determination)

• Pathway to Resolve: Verify and maintain item category determination in: SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Sales > Sales

Documents > Define Item Category Determination

15. Error: Delivery Date Not Confirmed

Description: Delivery date cannot be confirmed due to ATP (Available-to-Promise) failure.

• T-Code: CO09 (Availability Overview)

Pathway to Resolve: Check the material availability in CO09 and adjust the delivery date accordingly.

16. Error: Billing Block

Description: Billing document cannot be created due to a block.

• T-Code: VF01 (Create Billing Document)

Pathway to Resolve: Remove the billing block in VA02 under the "Billing" tab.

17. Error: Shipping Point Not Found

Description: The system cannot determine a shipping point for the delivery.

• T-Code: OVL2 (Shipping Point Determination)

• Pathway to Resolve: Maintain shipping point determination: SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Shipping > Shipping

Point and Goods Issue > Assign Shipping Point

18. Error: Partner Function Duplication

Description: Duplicate partner function entries are found in the sales order.

• T-Code: XD02 (Change Customer Master)

Pathway to Resolve: Correct the partner determination procedure in VOPA.

19. Error: Customer Credit Block

Description: Sales order is blocked due to the customer's credit limit.

• T-Code: FD32 (Maintain Credit Master Data)

Pathway to Resolve: Adjust credit limits or release the block in VKM3.

20. Error: Delivery Split in Billing

Description: Multiple deliveries split into separate billing documents.

• T-Code: VF04 (Billing Due List)

Pathway to Resolve: Check and align header data fields like payment terms, billing date, and incoterms.

21. Error: Output Determination Issue

Description: Output type not triggered for the sales or delivery document.

• T-Code: NACE (Output Determination)

• Pathway to Resolve:

Maintain output determination settings in SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions > Output Control.

22. Error: Foreign Trade Data Missing

Description: Foreign trade data is incomplete for export sales.

• T-Code: VX11N (Maintain Export Data)

Pathway to Resolve: Complete the foreign trade data in VA02 under "Foreign Trade" tab.

23. Error: Delivery Quantity is Zero

Description: Delivery cannot be created due to zero quantity.

• T-Code: VL01N (Create Delivery)

Pathway to Resolve: Update the confirmed quantity in the sales order schedule line using VA02.

24. Error: Incorrect Document Flow

Description: Document flow is incomplete or incorrect.

• T-Code: VA03 (Display Sales Order)

Pathway to Resolve: Verify the document flow and ensure all preceding documents are complete.

25. Error: Material Does Not Exist

Description: The material number is invalid or missing in the system.

• T-Code: MM01 (Create Material)

Pathway to Resolve: Create or update the material master record in MM01 or MM02.

26. Error: Sales Area Not Defined for Customer

Description: The system cannot determine the sales area for the customer.

• T-Code: XD01 (Create Customer Master)

Pathway to Resolve: Assign the sales area to the customer in SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Master Data > Define Common

Distribution Channels or Divisions.

27. Error: Pricing Condition Record Not Found

Description: Pricing condition record is missing for the material or customer.

• T-Code: VK13 (Display Condition Record)

Pathway to Resolve: Verify and create condition records in VK11 for the specific condition type and key.

28. Error: Invalid Shipping Condition

Description: Shipping condition assigned to the customer is not valid for the sales process.

• T-Code: XD02 (Change Customer Master)

Pathway to Resolve: Update the shipping condition in the customer master under the "Sales Area Data" tab.

29. Error: Credit Memo Request Block

Description: Credit memo request cannot proceed due to a block.

• T-Code: VA02 (Change Sales Document)

Pathway to Resolve: Remove the block in the credit memo request under the "Header" or "Item" data.

30. Error: Item Rejected in Sales Order

Description: Item is flagged as rejected in the sales order.

• T-Code: VA02 (Change Sales Document)

Pathway to Resolve: Remove the rejection reason from the item details.

31. Error: Incomplete Master Data

Description: Customer or material master data is incomplete.

• T-Code: XD03 (Display Customer Master) / MM03 (Display Material Master)

Pathway to Resolve: Complete the missing fields in XD02 or MM02.

32. Error: Delivery Document Not Found

Description: The delivery document is missing or not created for the sales order.

• T-Code: VL10A (Sales Orders Due for Delivery)

Pathway to Resolve: Check and create the delivery document in VL01N.

33. Error: Picking Quantity Not Entered

Description: Delivery cannot proceed due to missing picking quantity.

• T-Code: VL03N (Display Delivery)

Pathway to Resolve: Enter the picking quantity in the "Picking" tab of the delivery.

34. Error: Billing Reversal Issue

Description: Billing document cannot be reversed.

• T-Code: VF11 (Cancel Billing Document)

Pathway to Resolve: Ensure that the billing document is not cleared in financial accounting and reverse it using VF11.

35. Error: Text Determination Issue

Description: Missing or incorrect text in the sales or delivery document.

• T-Code: VOTXN (Text Determination Procedure)

• Pathway to Resolve:

Maintain text determination procedures in SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions > Text Control > Define Text

Determination Procedures.

36. Error: Pricing Access Sequence Not Found

Description: The system cannot determine the access sequence for the condition type.

• T-Code: V/07 (Condition Type)

Pathway to Resolve: Check and maintain the access sequence in SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions > Pricing >

Pricing Control > Define Access Sequences.

37. Error: Split in Delivery

Description: Sales order items split into multiple deliveries.

• T-Code: VL01N (Create Delivery)

Pathway to Resolve: Align key data like delivery date, shipping point, and route across all items.

38. Error: Availability Check Not Triggered

Description: Availability check is not performed for the material.

• T-Code: OVZ9 (Availability Check Configuration)

Pathway to Resolve: Maintain the availability check settings in SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions > Availability

Check and Transfer of Requirements.

39. Error: Route Determination Issue

Description: The system cannot determine the route for delivery.

• T-Code: OVL1 (Route Determination)

Pathway to Resolve: Maintain route determination in SPRO > Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions > Route Determination.

40. Error: Overdue Delivery Date

Description: The requested delivery date is overdue.

• T-Code: VA02 (Change Sales Order)

Pathway to Resolve: Update the delivery date in the sales order schedule line.

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